I am wondering if this is the night that we (Don & Jennie Rakestraw, Brook Finlayson, Bill Scroggins, David Asbury,and David Creel) did that spoof of a George Creel service, Christmas Carol rolled into one. We also tossed in some Monty Python-ish & SNL-ish bits in the mix. It was a hilarious event and we were asked to repeat the show the following weekend.
If the picture didn't come from that night, then it might have come from one of the many events I tagged along with Brooky or with Jennie & Don to sing some where. I was just learning guitar back then. I'd roadie for anyone that was going any where to sing. It was a good time. It seemed that every one I knew was writting and singing Jesus Music. It's how I met Dan Noojin. Dan at the time was playing with Chip Lasseter (Dan Maddox later joined them), and they sounded so good. I remember the first time I met David Asbury, it was in Rome, GA. David had his van loaded down with a sound system and was playing various places. The gang at F.R.E.E. House (soon to become Christian Brothers Association) hooked up with Psalm. Psalm was a band from Centre, Alabama that were nothing short of incredible. The band consisted of Barry Goss, Arnie Sanford, Larry Sanford, and Skip Seagraves. Barry and Arnie wrote incredible songs and they had a great sound together. There was so much music in those days. I looked forward to weekends through out the seventies.
I look at the photo above and I don't really remember that guy. He's young, he's lean, and he's got a head full of hair (ah-hair). I ran across this picture and was wondering where it was taken and what I was doing at that moment. I just can't remember - I can only guess. It only made me think of the time and the people that surrounded me - my Christian brothers (and sisters). I don't remember me, I remember them. I remember the passion for Jesus, all the music, the close fellowship with a common cause. I don't remember me - I remember you.
it is strange to look at such pictures and think to yourself, is that really me? So much has happened and so many people have drifted in and out of our lives that it's hard to keep up. David, you have lived a rich full life (no, I'm not trying to get rid of you) that you truly should write a book. I know, I know...that sort of thing is said many times. Should I ever try my hand at book writing, it would be about my being tied to Rapha. I already have a working title:
"How's that working out for you?"
God bless you David Finlayson.
Strange you should say that, one of my instructors last week said she wanted a copy of my book when ever I write it.
I think your book ought to be called TESTIMENTS - Stories of Grace & Recovery.
I would do a back cover review for you!
but that's where my nude photo was going.
i see men as trees a walk'n
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