Strange, I remember that little red truck. I think I had a little blue one too that I'd swap out the wheels between the two toys. I also remember the swing set being in the backyard - before it was moved the the side of the house. My back is to the house because I can see dad sitting in a chair on the patio in the back ground. I look at this photo of mini-me and don't see me as much as I see my daughter Kelsey. Kelsey is six years old and into little cars big time. She likes making things with her hands and draws all the time. She's very imaginative and likes to make people laugh. She surprises me from time to time and even does impersonations. I am glad she's a little mini-me. I just pray she doesn't go through what I did. Well, at least I need to watch out for and pray against. Growing up, surviving pubic education, I felt like I was the odd child out. I don't want either of my children to experience that lost world. I do feel pretty good about Kelsey (Katie too). She's already reading little books and enjoys all her schooling. I do believe she's got both hemispheres of her brain firing all synapses.
Oh - you mean the pedal car. I wasn't talking about that, but no, it was originally mine. I drove it till my legs grew too big and I could no longer fit. I do have a picture of me in it somewhere. I saw one just like it years ago in an antique mall in Bowling Green, KY.
I was talking about a little blue plastic truck that matched the little red truck that I was holding. These were the kind of toys that you'd find in bins downstairs at Grants.
A family of six kids - we all ended up with hand me down clothes and hand me down toys.
What were you doing to Kelsey in the photo?
She looks like she is going to confess to the kidnapping of the Lindburg Baby...
Gina took the picture. Kelsey was probably asked to smile for the camera.
The blue car was mine!
I always thought it was.
I guess at that time I was the only one that could drive it!
Oh - you mean the pedal car. I wasn't talking about that, but no, it was originally mine. I drove it till my legs grew too big and I could no longer fit. I do have a picture of me in it somewhere. I saw one just like it years ago in an antique mall in Bowling Green, KY.
I was talking about a little blue plastic truck that matched the little red truck that I was holding. These were the kind of toys that you'd find in bins downstairs at Grants.
A family of six kids - we all ended up with hand me down clothes and hand me down toys.
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