Today while on the way home from church, a fellow by the name of Tom White pulled behind me and followed me in his yellow 73 bug. We both pulled off of Hwy 77 and talked bug for about thirty minutes. I'd met Tom a while back, he lives in the same subdivision as I do, just around the corner. Tom pulled in my driveway not long after Mrs. Hale gave me the car. It's nice to have someone to swap information & resources for these little cars. The VW herd has been thinned out down through the decades and not as many roam the highways.
There's a guy somewhere in the neighborhood that owns an nice looking VW Thing. I'd like to get a closer look at his vehicle sometime. Dennis Twigg, co-owner of Floyd VW has a nice looking Thing. Eddie Floyd said that Things in good condition are in high demand and are not cheap. I remember when Gina and I first got married, she would not believe me that there was such a thing as a Thing. Eventually, we saw one one day and she became a reluctant believer. Why would I lie about a Thing like that?
she is a great artist.....'chip off the old block'....
chip off the old block-head
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