Years ago, right after Don and Jennie bought the Volvo station wagon, Brook and I joined them in a trip up to the N.A.M.M. (National Association of Music Merchants) show in Chicago, IL. I can't remember if Barry Goss went on that trip with us. Brook, did he? It was a very long in haul in a car with out an A/C. It was a fun trip nonetheless. As I probably have mentioned before, my brother in-law Don Rakestraw worked for Laverty Music Company. I don't know why, but they let me tag along. N.A.M.M. is a cool place to go. It was my first trade show to ever attend and it was H.U.G.E.. I would love to go to one again. You get all kinds of really neat free stuff. It's the musician's trick-or-treat dream come true. Just go up to a counter and hold out your bag. The trip only lasted a weekend. We loaded the car and drove up, got a room, and spent a day at the show. We drove back the next day. It all happened very fast.
As you can see, I am wearing my FRODO LIVES t-shirt. I don't remember where I bought it but I wore that thing out. I am bad about that. If I find a shirt I like, I will wash and wear it day after day. Most of my old clothes would mysteriously disappear after getting so worn and ragged. Mother never did own up to any of the strange disappearances. I have to take her at her word because she is a Christian and is my mom. I guess I just have to mark it down to yet another alien abduction. Somewhere deep in the galaxy, there are alien life forms wearing my cool old clothes.
Often I would find the clothes in the trash can out in the garage. I don't know how this would happen. I had a particular pair of patched blue jeans that seemed to always walk out there on their own. If ever they disappeared from my room I would go out and look through the trash. The coolest pants ever would some how disappear if I ever put in the clothes hamper to wash. I took up the task of washing them myself by hand in the bathtub and hanging them out to dry. The coolest pants ever had dozens of patches - patches upon patches. It was a constant labor of love to keep sewing up the holes and applying blue jean patches from jeans newer than to old pair I kept patching. It was a beautiful thing.
So to keep the alien abductions from happening to my clothes - I'd have to keep an eye on them while I wasn't wearing them. Clothes would still disappear nevertheless. I can't be in two places at once. That's why I always tried to keep the cool clothes on me all the time. They couldn't go anywhere if I were wearing them.
My faded and torn blue jean jacket was abducted. It took years for that jacket to wear down to it's faded glory that it became. I actually had people try to buy that jacket off my back. Richard Moon was among the ones who expressed great interest. Some articles of clothing were so cool that they had a personality of their own. Maybe that's what happened. They acquire their own life and decide to make it out on their own.
The same things used to happen to my clothes and to my rather ragged or injured stuffed animals. It usually happened when my mom would decide to clean out my closet. To this day, my dad still goes thru the trash can when my mom's been on a spree. hey, is your profile pic David Jansen? I keep forgetting to ask. kdr
That is so weird Denise! I was coming down to write about David Jansen today at Boomerville, USA. That is too weird!!!!!
Who is your profile pic?
My profile avatar is the actor Sterling Hayden in the role of General Jack D. Ripper in the dark-comedy classic DR. STRANGELOVE. It's one of my all time favorite movies. If you ever want to watch it - watch the movie FAIL SAFE first. I posted a blog and a YouTube clip from it at BOOMERVILLE, USA last Saturday (02/07/09).
Next week in film class I'm showing back-to-back Fail Safe and Dr Strangelove. I show them every year to show how films can take such different approaches to the same theme. Did you know they were released in the same year (1964)? I show Fail Safe first. It is a very tense movie. Then I show Strangelove which is one of the great comedies of all time. Most of my students, though, agree that Strangelove is the more creepily chilling of the two,
It's hard to believe that the two movies came out the same year because Dr. Strangelove seems to be a comic version of Fail Safe.
I believe Dr. Strangelove to be more realistic than Fail Safe. We grow up thinking that those in charge of this nation use more of their brains than we do - so much smarter than the we the peons they should be serving. I've lived to see and understand quite the opposite. They are politicians with agendas and their pockets to line. They are blind to every thing else, warping fact to fit their talking points. Like I mentioned somewhere earlier in the week, "There are monkeys behind the wheel folks - monkeys behind the wheel!"
What ever happens in the future rest assured - we'll meet again - don't know how - don't know when.
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