I remember having lunch with Dave Hope (former bassist of Kansas fame). and he shared the story of his conversion with me. He said that he had it all - rock and roll super-stardom delivered on everything it promised - sex, drugs, and rock & roll baby! Funny thing about this brother, he said that he missed elements of his old life - because sin was fun. Ever hear a Christian be honest and talk that way? Well Dave said that he had everything and it was fun. He told me that being on the road could get pretty monotonous, and that some idiot left a Bible laying around in the back of the bus. He was so bored that he picked up that book and started reading. What Dave found was the Kingdom. There was no comparison to the life and light Jesus offered than what the world offered.
I believe you can have it all on earth, but in the end - you'll lose out. "what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" - Mark 8:36
So yes, Jesus saves and satan pays. There is a point however than every man must make that choice between what he perceives to be real as to what is actually real. To put it in Matrix terminology, we each need to choose between the blue pill or the red pill. Do we want to continue in darkness - amid our comfortable familiar?...or do we really want to know what's behind the curtain - or should I say who is behind the curtain.
Satan may pay....but at a heavy price. Nothing is free....he's a hard task master. What he wants in return is your worship and to steal God's due honor. He cares nothing for us.....just trying to hit God where it really hurts.
Satan sucks...
man what a dufus. I don't know who is a bigger dufus..him or us for falling for his line.
Thank you God for pulling me from the fire.
Well said Jose'. Nothing is free. After all, nothing that satan offers is eternal - he's come to rob us of the most important gift - our place with Him. The fruit in the Garden were there free for the taking - but at a heavy price. The effects were like a ripple through time, from generation to generation. The fruit is sweet and succulent - but the aftertaste is eternally bitter.
Adam fell down and broke his crown
and the world came tumbling after
Thank you Jesus for coming to make things right. Thank you Jesus for your salvation - making all things new - and restoring our crown.
Sin can certainly be fun, for a season -- we only need to look at Solomon to see how fulfilling indulgence truly is (not).
I think there is a third choice. Some choose sin, some choose Christ . . . and others try not to choose, which a choice in and of itself. Any choice OTHER than Christ is rejecting Him, which inherently, is the greatest sin of all.
Good stuff, David -- you made me think!
These people who try to choose choice...can another name for them be "moderate?" I think these people are referred to in the Bible as filthy rags kind of people. Make up your mind - stand for something!
Agnosticism comes to mind. Seems to me that there are a lot of people out there BOASTING of being agnostic. What is that to be proud of - to boast of? "Here Ye - Here Ye - I believe in nothing! I am non-committal!" It's as if they are standing in the middle of the road - or should I say God's Highway - telling God he's going to have to prove himself even more. "Sorry - not good enough - you're going to have to do better than that God!" What more do these people want? Better step out of the way buddy - I think I hear something huge rolling down this way.
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