I remember when dad got his first electric wheelchair. When that lift lowered from the van, dad landed like a Marine. He'd tilt the toggle full speed ahead and leave mom and me in his electric wheelchair dust. Image all those years of relying on someone else to get you around at their speed. That chair meant a whole new freedom. Dad went where he wanted to go and at the speed that he wanted to do it.
Back in the day, wheelchairs where few and far between. You just didn't see many of them around. When shopping at Mason's or Kmart, you'd always get curious looks from strangers. A guy in a wheelchair was like an alien presence in the room. Now a days, every one seems to want a power-chair. It's amazing to see all those handicapped parking spaces in parking lots - and all of them filled. I don't think there are that many disabled people out there. I think people have gotten lazy and don't want to walk anymore. It would probably be healthier if most of them rose from their powered-chair and walk.
What amazes me are the number of people who walk into the store, mount one of the powered "shopping cart" scooters, and haphazardly make their way through the aisles running over little kids and helpless produce clerks.
Of course, I think it would be cool if all shopping carts were motorized . . . and had one of those Nerf machine guns mounted on them, sort of like in "The Rat Patrol".
OOOOO!Rat Patrol!
Rampin' chairs....
Machine guns blazing as we trash the condiment aisle.
"Die You Corporate Nazis!"
got a bit carried away.
Loved the 'landing like a Marine' comment....
I have learned the hard way that store staff do not appreciate the likes of Nerf guns or water guns being discharged in their store.
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