"I sure wish Obama would hurry up and start paying for my insurance."
The clerk laughed and said, "If you only knew!"
"Last November - the day of the election - a lady called me and said she wanted to cancel her health insurance policy. I inquired why. The lady said that once Obama is made president, she wasn't going to have to pay for her health insurance anymore - Obama was going to pay for it!"
The two clerks and I laughed. I said, "Boy, she's in for a rude awakening!"
The clerk said, "That's not all, the lady asked me if I was going to vote for Obama and I said that I was pro-life and also against gay marriage. She then got very angry and said that I was being judgemental and was going to hell for it."
Another round of laughter erupted. I exited the building chuckling but knowing full well that there are plenty more people out there BELIEVING IN THE HOPE - that hope soon to suck on the big government teat.
Let me repeat myself - for every dollar that somebody gets that didn't earn it, - there's somebody out there who worked for that dollar and isn't going to get it.
I guess we should just quit our jobs and wait for our check too...
WAIT NO!....somebody has to fund their monthly check....the gubment is counting on the sweat of our labors.
oh the irony
No - let's just quit trying and take the money. After all - it all comes from the pockets of those who shouldn't keep as much money as they have - those GREEDY RICH!
Look at all these billions of dollars they are spending - it's not their money, government doesn't generate money - government doesn't earn a single dime of it - governments confiscate an all too generous share from we the peons.
People all over the world....
Ride the love train, love train....
Gravy for every one......
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