The Volkswagen had been in and out of the shop, and mostly sat in her driveway since the purchase of the new car. It became an ordeal to keep up with both cars. The newer car, and Oldsmobile, took the garage space where the beetle used to have a safe haven. Upon our receipt of the car, Gina and I promised Mrs. Hale that we would take extra good care of it and make a cozy place for it in our garage.
I ran across this picture above of Gina, age ten, standing by Mrs. Hale’s new VW. Gina said that her mother washed that car every weekend religiously. I asked Gina why she believed her mom gave the car to me. Gina said that it meant something to mother that I had once owned a yellow 73 bug and that I always spoke fondly about VW's. Knowing the history behind this little car, owning this particular Volkswagen means more to me than the bug I once owned back in 1980. This little bug has a history. This is the VW that Gina learned to drive a straight shift in – the one that she would drive herself to school at the age of 13! Gina talks about a sleep-over party with a bunch of her friends in which Mrs. Hale packed all nine of the girls into the VW to go to McDonalds (the one on 12 Avenue). I don’t care if they were little girls – Super Beetle or not, nine is a lot to cram into it. There was yet another sleep-over party where Gina and her friends won an apple pie each from Burger King by singing the “Have It Your Way” jingle for a local radio station. Once again, Mrs. Hale packed the giddy little girls in the car for their free apple pie.
I can’t just spend money on just anything and not be questioned by Gina. This VW though, Gina hasn’t minded that I’ve spent some money fixing it up. In fact, she even brags about all the little things I’ve done to it to her mom.
I went out and washed and waxed it earlier this week in the cold. It just didn’t seem right that I let the winter season keep me from doing what Mrs. Hale would have done. It’s sitting out in the garage all nice and shinny now. It was a beautiful day today and I didn’t take it out. I’ve been driving it every chance I get. It’s running like a top these days. The girls love being picked up from school in it. About the only time I don't drive it is when I have to haul something bigger than I can fit in the bug. I think I’ll drive it to church tomorrow.
I noticed in the picture above that this Volkswagen once had some kind of chrome gravel guard on the rear fender. I found a set at J.C. Whitney pretty cheap. When I add the guards on - I’m going to change out the running boards too. I am not sure if I am going to replace the running boards with a factory issue look or those really cool looking steel or aluminum ones. I would really be pimping then. There's a good bit of rust on the ones I have now, and rubber is looking pretty worn. We’ll see. I don’t think that I am a purest when it comes to my bug. I’d like to chrome it out a little. I’d like to eventually replace the rusted out front bumper – add some chrome to the front and rear vents – wear a big furry purple pimp hat while cruiz'n up and down the avenue – ahhh yeah!
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