Friday, April 13, 2007


down through the years i have been accused
of hiding behind laughter
my light hearted ways
an easy escape
the rear stage door
so they say

since my youth
this joy
was all i knew to be
all i cared to be
to laugh
and make laugh
my engine

this medicine
the only balm i know
that can take the serious edge
off the world
the only tears i welcome
the only tears i hope
to ever instigate

looking back i see
where i made a cheerful exit
left abruptly
leaving questions unanswered for later

once labeled socially immature
i have suffered many labels
still all i can do is laugh at it all
give it to God
and move on
this laughter is all i know
much of what i am

as i move through this life
the world ceaselessly attempts to steal
my big joy
so many
surrounded by so much seriousness

i am not a comic
but a breathing comedy
amid so much tragedy
i will live the only way i know
each day i blow upon the ashes and embers
hoping for a spark

i almost let them win
lulled into sadness
birthright for stew
yet i am always reminded
my children need to hear
my laughter more
hear the freedom
that make the pious nervous

joy to the world
in spite of the world
joy to the world
laugh till it hurts
there's no hiding here
no hiding here
it's God's gift
cold and sullen doesn't make one holy

it is my hope
to still be capable of laughter
even upon my final breath
joy eternal
i will claim and weld what was given me
upon my birth
now determined to be even more
of what i am
that which i know
now with even less reserve
cut loose
and set free
what joy
God himself gave to me

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