Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Don't say it David...DON'T SAY IT!!!!

My mother was telling me yesterday how she didn't particularly like The was too Catholic. Personally, Catholics got the Jesus died for your sins and rose again part right and I think is the most important message to take home. The only disagreement I have with Catholicism is they get it wrong regarding the veil of The Temple. You know...the one that was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died (Matthew 27:50-51). It is my understanding that when Jesus completed his mission, a veil was no longer needed. Christ fulfilled the requirement of the law, paid the price, and now God and man do not have to be separated. Can you say New Covenant baby? These days I can have a relationship with my Creator without standing behind curtain number one. Catholicism seems to have merely replaced the old torn veil with yet another veil...only this time there's a woman standing behind it.


Darryl said...

Amen on the primary issue regarding Jesus! As you may recall, Kris grew up in the Catholic church, and we attended for several years. Based on that experience, I have more disagreements with the theology of catholicism than the one you list -- including the extra-scriptural teachings and mandates, the need to interact with God through priests, and inclusion of salvation through works (as believed by some catholics)and a few others.

Like every denomination or Christian church, catholics have screwed Christ's message of grace up with man-made religion. I'll be posting on that in the next week or so -- be sure to tell me where I go wrong!

New Covenant -- thank you God!

David Finlayson said...

You don't need me to tell you anything bud.