Tuesday, September 30, 2008

fannie mae family to dems

Obama says that he can fix it. Democrats want to control it more so they can fix it. Say, weren't these liberal bozos the ones that broke it in the first place? The ones boasting to be the ones to be the saviors are the ones who drug us down this hard road. Good grief Charlie Brown!


Greene Street Letters said...

I cannot watch such vomit as what is coming from the mouths of those who seek their own wellfare under the guise of "helping" others.

I think God is uncovering this greed and foul behavior and will not be surprised if this bail out falls through even though the money passed and is going to be provided to Wall Street.

God has not finished with this yet.


David Finlayson said...

Yep, I came home from class last night and turned on the television. Chris Dodd and other Dems were patting each other on the back for being the heros of the day with the passing of the bail out package. These guys are the reason we're in this situation in the first place. Sickening listening to them - I switched the channel from CNN. These guys aren't reporters - they are mouthpieces.

It's a deeper hole than the bail out can not fill. Not matter what happens - I too hope God uncovers the behaviors and lies.