Tuesday, January 20, 2009

that's the ticket

I thought of doing a quick graphic toward a possibility for the next election. I thought the Nugent idea as VP kind of funny at first and then thought about all that he's voiced in the past. The Nuge would actually be a lot better choice than all the other Republican bozos that were on parade this past go around. Nuge would never fly but Sarah Palin I am serious about. I think if the Republicans were savvy and smart (which they aren't) would put this true conservative up for President next time. Sure McCain's crew tried to blame the 2008 loss on her, but it was McCain's middle of the road why-can't-we-all-just-get-along belly wash that sank his boat.

To be frank - the perfect ticket would be Palin / Keyes in 2012. Seeing how I am no longer a (insert preferred expletive here) Republican anymore (since Republicans have left conservatism ideals & values behind), I know they won't go that route. They're going to give us another milk-toast McCain and announce him as another Reagan (insert preferred expletives here). Simply put, Democrats mean business - and Republicans don't. Sarah Palin didn't drag McCain down - it was quite the contrary. During the presidential run, Palin had to fall in line with the McCain talking points and not contradict or cross over the lack-luster John McCain. John McCain should be a real maverick and be a conservative for once.

I think Sarah ought to run next time around as SARAH PALIN - and pick a running mate that's equally as strong of a conservative. This is a war of ideas and the good guys better open fire at some point.

Damn the torpedos - full speed ahead!



what would their theme song be? Any suggestions?

David Finlayson said...

The only song that comes to mind is perhaps the theme song to Beauty and the Beast