Monday, December 31, 2007


The Finlayson side had our Christmas gathering just this past Saturday. Our basement was crowded with Finlaysons, Elrods, Brooks, Rakestraws and Noojins (as well as boyfriends and girlfriends). I made a huge pot of chili. I also reheated some delicious corn chowder than Gina had made earlier in the week. Everybody brought something. We had so much food.

Gina had been working on a project for this gathering since the first of December. She'd come home from work and start pulling together scripture. So when the moment came, Brook led in singing some Christmas carols that led into chain reaction scripture reading by candlelight. Gina had compiled scriptures all pertaining to light. So each would take turn reading select verses of light that Gina had printed out prior to the event. There were some songs sung in between scripture.

The lights of course had been turned off during the reading and it was difficult for one to read what was asked of them with just their one candle. I watched as people around the table would share their light to enable the one sitting next to them to read. It wasn't planned but I found meaning in the spontaneous gestures.


Greene Street Letters said...

Stories you have shared about your Dad and your family have warmed me during this Christmas Season. I almost feel guilty reading all the stuff you have posted. It's like I'm snooping in your drawers and closets. Thanks for sharing. You truly have a wonderful lineage. Who knows....someday someone will be posting about David Finlayson and all the adventures that took him from the shire.

Thank you for being a friend....
happy new year.

David Finlayson said...

Yes...your great great grandfather David Finlayson never did much of anything but made people laugh.

Seriously- I've enjoyed digging through the drawers and closets. I've enjoyed sharing this family stuff. It's nice to know that someone's enjoying the venture as too.

I don't really know how much all this lineage stuff plays into the eternal. Maybe not much. When people look back at us, it is my hope, that we lived well and glorified our Creator with the lives given to us.

I want my kids to know that they are loved and shown His wonderful light and love while we so briefly live so close in this family circle. I don't want to pass down something broken and tainted, covered in excuses. I hope they grasp something that can never die, rust, or fade...something eternal.

I am a flawed vessel. Dear God, help me to live more eternal ly minded while this candles flickers and burns. Let us burn for You...until I go out.

Greene Street Letters said...

even in your 'blindness' you have reached out and touched so many lives. Influenced so many people. given yourself to more than you can ever imagine. IF ever there was a real life George Bailey....well....I happen to know him and he would be you.


Greene Street Letters said...

I used the word blindness to speak of the part of you that can't see your own impact in others lives.


David Finlayson said...

I high compliment from a dear old friend. Thanks for the encouragement. I don't see it but do very much hope your are right.