Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Late Christmas Present

Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, Morrow, GA, 04/15/2018
Last Christmas, my family presented me with a computer print out of a receipt for tickets purchased for a very special concert.  I've been a fan of The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain since I discovered them on YouTube about five years ago.  Since Christmas, Gina started learning to play the ukulele.  It just something she decided to pick up along the way, but wasn't very familiar with the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. I knew as the day drew closer that she'd receive just as much enjoyment as I would.  My hunch proved true.  My daughters thoroughly enjoyed the show as well.

Knowing that dialysis would probably wear me out, we broke up the trip into a two day outing. We drove to Atlanta on the fourteenth, stayed overnight and then took our time finding the campus and Spivey Hall early this afternoon. The concert was on the campus of Clayton State University in Morrow, GA.  It's a pretty campus and the hall is a nice venue.

Now all that I had seen of the UOoGB was on YouTube until today. I found out today that none of the videos do this little ensemble justice. The videos that I previously thought humorous and delightful, in person are mesmerizing and beautiful.  UOoGB do not spoof songs, but give wonderful well thought out renditions of loved music with mere ukuleles.  Listening to their take on these old hits are like hearing them again for the first time.

Also.  Not only can they play, they all sing.  Man can they sing.  The harmonies were tight and spectacular.  They are the Blue Angels of the ukulele. Again. The YouTube videos don't do them justice.  If you ever get a chance to hear them live, GO!

1 comment:

dcm7 said...

Really cool. Super talent. Taking my daughters if still touring.