generation after generation
Americans have come and gone
good men and women
good men and women
have lived and toiled
generation after generation
leaving life a little better
path a little higher
path a little higher
for their children to come
generation after generation
laboring toiling climbing
to their ceiling
hoping to become the floor
for their little ones to come
generation after generation
laboring toiling climbing
to their ceiling
hoping to become the floor
for their little ones to come
generation after generation
laboring toiling climbing
for their children to have what they had
and more
praying that the following generations
will have the same heart
the same hope
as they
generation after generation
laboring toiling climbing
trusting those who follow
follow in the path they have made
the legacy left
to increase
and give again
generation after generation
laboring toiling climbing
praying trusting
the following genernations
will have the same heart
the same hope
as they
generation after generation
laboring toiling climbing
trusting those who follow
follow in the path they have made
the legacy left
to increase
and give again
generation after generation
laboring toiling climbing
praying trusting
the following genernations
would never stray
that following generations
would never be
that following generations
would never be
so spoiled
so selfish
so entitled
so entitled
to serve themselves
leave nothing else
but the tab
for those who follow
generation after generation
laboring toiling climbing
praying the following generations
would never be so greedy
so inward
so hopeless
so bent
to spend all
that which was bought
at a price paid so dearly for
leave nothing else
but the tab
for those who follow
generation after generation
laboring toiling climbing
praying the following generations
would never be so greedy
so inward
so hopeless
so bent
to spend all
that which was bought
at a price paid so dearly for
to destroy
trod over a legacy so precious
the gifts of their fathers
their father's before
something that took so long to achieve
the ceiling becomes a pit
they came took left
something that took so long to achieve
the ceiling becomes a pit
they came took left
leaving little
or nothing
for their children
and children's children
they came took left
leaving nothing
and children's children
they came took left
leaving nothing
but a world of hurt
their father's debt to pay
their father's debt to pay
we are living in a day
of takers
we are living in tragic time
of takers
we are living in tragic time
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