Wednesday, February 6, 2013

an introvert hiding

for years I'd been telling Gina that
if i had not met and married her
i would've been a hermit
a recluse
for years she refused to believe this
she always saw me as an extrovert 
i am only an introvert hiding
she didn't understand why i said this
because i don't mind being on stage
i didn't understand it myself for most of my life
i just knew that when i am in a crowd
i'm often dizzied, disoriented, drained

and smothered 
in a crowd
i do not linger
i go for the nearest exit
to take in a little air
inhale some of Zevon's splendid isolation
but i don't mind the stage

a separated place
a little distance
only a few years ago 
i discovered
i discovered something quirky about myself

to be on stage, out there entertaining
is to have some control of my environment
whether playing an instrument or
simply clowning
i could do more than breath
i could exist among a crowd
and give something

years ago folks used to say that i use laughter to hide
it was meant to be a judgmental put down
to reveal a vice
a flaw within me
years later i realized that i had indeed used laughter
used laughter as a means
used laughter to isolate

that all the laughing was a indeed a curtain
a veil
a buffer
a place to hide
a place to hide sometimes but
laughter is also medicine
a gift rather than a flaw
i love laughter and

ignite it every chance i get
not always successful

but i try
joy helps me exist in a fallen world
in a flawed flesh
laughter is balm
a band-aid and
a kiss to make it better
joy helps me to see
the world for what it is
laughter keeps me

from suffocating
from not taking it all so serious

laughter is a fuel
that keeps me running
makes the world a stage
and to be
simply to be
the fellow God made me
to be
i would've been a hermit but
He knew what was better for me

"Tell the truth.  Sing with passion.  Work with laughter.  Love with heart, cause that's all that matters in the end."
-Kris Kristofferson

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