Thursday, January 7, 2010

snow day

Gina has been sick this week.  She's had little sleep through out her affliction and still going to work.  Today she finally decided to stay home.  It's actually a blessing that her case load this week has been next to nil.  She's got a little time to get well.  I'm glad she's home today.

I drove down to the office to mainly man the phone.  I just found out that the schools are closing today.  Katie and Kelsey will be riding home on the bus.  There are odd tasks at the office to do - not much really.  I'll answer the calls that come in and pick up some food for everyone at the house tonight.

My back is doing much better.  It's going on two months since the fall.  My last visit to the chiropractor made a big difference.  I'm going to opt for the decompression table therapy every time I go from now on.

Last night I built a nice fire and didn't want to leave it.  I guess I finally went to bed at 1:30 a.m..  I spent most of the evening watching movies and washing and folding clothes.  I put the girls to bed earlier in the evening.  It was a very quiet house last night.  It's a very quiet office today.  I'm getting my alone time in.

A bit of good news came in the mail yesterday.  I received my certificate from the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage.  I am afraid though that all of my official documentation will not reach the Alabama Board in time.  They are to meet next week.  I am still waiting on liability insurance to come through.

In the meantime I'll be trying to get some work at the house during the down time.  We've been needing a new floor in the kitchen.  Both Katie and Kelsey have cut their feet on the broken tile floor in the kitchen.  Gina's been concerned about my feet due to my diabetes.  I'm going to push to get some things done.

I will be nice to see and work with Jose' again.

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