Thursday, April 24, 2008

Boomerville, USA

The old fashioned way of treating ADHD

Michael has inspired me with his new Monsters-R-Us blog. I've just launched yet another blog at Don't leave this one though, will remain my regular and most frequent blog. Boomerville, USA is a place to visit from time to time for a little fun and baby-boomer nostalgia.


Greene Street Letters said...

I have been the one across the lap and I have been the one holding the child....neither are a comfortable place.
But the holder of the child, if walking with God, understands the necessity of placing an open palm with force (tempered of course) on the posterior of the child.

I "fixing" to go check out your new blog....BOOMERVILLE.sounds like a place I would want to live.

David Finlayson said...

I'm not going to lie to you kid -
this is going to hurt you more than it does me.