Friday, November 5, 2010

places: meeting the fed

“Lieutenant Burns - Lieutenant O’Keith...”, the captain said, “This is agent Angelo Forte’ with the Federal Bureau. Earlier today you questioned a fellow by the name of Sam Fitch."

“Agent Forte’ needs to hear all you know about Fitch. The feds have been working on a case in our area.  Forte’.”

“Yes sir”, Burns replied, “We let him go because he said he wasn’t the guy we were looking for.  He had ID to bare his story out. We didn’t expect him to be carrying around a fake identity.”

“That’s okay detective.” replied the federal agent, “The case we’ve been trying to bust involves a forger.  We were getting close to nabbing the entire ring.”

“What’s with this guy Fitch - why are you looking for him?” asked O’Keith.

“We heard over the police band about the wrecked car.  It had been registered to a Tyler Clayton. Our source verifies that this Clayton is the one responsible for making these false identities - primarily for helping aliens into the United States.”

“Well, that explains why this character was walking around with two IDs.”

“Lt. Burns...”

“Formalities aside Agent Forte’, you can me Mike.” 

O’Keith shoved his hand in between them.“I’m O’Keith.” 

The agent smiled,“you guys can call me Angelo.” The three men shook hands as the captain made for the exit.

He sat down at the captain’s chair and gave a little more background.

“So who did this Fitch - can you give the name on the license he showed you?” 

The two police detective gave each other a nervous glance.

Forte’ continued, “I read by your report that Sam Fitch was admitted into the hospital.  Sam Fitch either is or isn’t his real name.  Do you remember the other name?”

“John something.” said Burns, “After he showed us his license, we figured we had the wrong man.

"How about you O’Keith?"

“I think you’re right. I’m pretty sure it read John.  I am sorry.  I wish we could give you something tangible.”

“That’s okay boys. Can either of you two think of anything that might be helpful?”

“No sir. It’s all in the report. There wasn’t much to the encounter.”

“Okay.”  Angelo replied. “I’m going to need you in this investigation.  You men saw him, talked to him. I need to find out who this guy is.”

“We’ll have to clear it.”

“It’s already been cleared. I’d like for you two to join me this evening.”

“Sure thing.”

“We lost track of an agent last night. He is undercover. We couldn’t stay too close to him during this investigation because the ring we’re dealing with is pretty big. Agent Robert Townshend was always on the move. He's going by the name of Rod Larkin. He disappeared last night. We need to find him.  We need to make sure he’s okay.  I’ve been given orders to go ahead and move in on the target locations that Robert had supplied us. We are simultaneously going to move in on all of them tonight, including Clayton Tyler’s residence. 

Forte’ continued. 

“Hearing about Clayton Tyler’s wrecked vehicle connects Sam Fitch to our case. Maybe Fitch knows of our agent's whereabouts.”

“We’ll do whatever I can to help you.” Burns said. 

“Have you heard anything else from the cab company?  Any follow up in the area where Fitch was dropped off?”

“No sir. The cabby said the guy rushed him across town and then got out at a bus stop.  None of the buses on that route, or area routes said they took on a passenger that fit Fitch’s description. It’s been a dead end so far.”

“We’ve had patrol cars on a manhunt.” O’Keith interjected, “Nothing as of yet.”

”Okay.” Angelo said, “We’re going to proceed to Clayton’s home in just a little bit. It’s highly likely that if Agent Townshend's cover was made, Clayton might have gotten spooked and bugged out. We may be entering an empty house. We don’t really know what we are in for. Would you like to join me?”

“Sure thing.” 

Agent Forte’ pulled his coat and fedora from the hat tree. He opened the door for the detectives. 

“Well...saddle up.”

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