Sunday, October 10, 2010

places: a safe place

I picked up Camille and checked out of our room.  She had too many questions that I simply couldn't answer.  Most of her questions I didn't want to answer.  I didn't want to scare her.  I didn't want to upset her.  I just told her that I'd explain things later and to please just trust me.

The place wasn't anything fancy.  I didn't unpack anything.  I just unloaded the car into the little room and left her there.  She wanted to know where I was going, what was wrong, and when would I return.  At the doorstep she stopped me.  She looked up into my eyes.  "Please don't leave me here long."  She put her arms around my me and hugged me again.

I smiled. "I'll come back...just wait here."

She stood in the doorway as I opened the car door.  She called my name once more.

"Where can I call you?"

"You can't call me.  I will call you.  I will come for you as soon as I can.  If I am not back by tomorrow afternoon, leave town.  Meet me where we first met."

"Camile, nobody should know where we are.  I don't want you to call anyone."

"I'm scared Johnny." 

She stood there a black silhouette with the light behind her.  Her blond hair seemed to make her presence angelic.  For a moment I didn't want to leave.  I wanted to just take her. Toss the luggage back in the car and leave the state.  I thought of Rod's warning.  I knew I was in deep.  His voice was in my head telling me that running was futile.  His ghost warned me from the backseat.  I had to leave her.  I had to find out what was happening.  It wouldn't be smart making a getaway in a car filled with a dead man's blood.  The morning light would eventually come. The blood soaked backseat was concealed only by the night.  I needed to get back to the city.

I looked up at her. I did my best to sound confident.

"Don't be."

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