Wednesday, October 6, 2010

places: requiem

when bad things happen
a man must move forward
no matter what's ahead of him
no matter what's at stake
he can't freeze up
he can't crumble when cornered
a man must move forward unlocked
a man can instantly lose his bearings
unless he's set his mind to the deadly task
there is a haze that surrounds him
in war
 there is a fear
one can experience
with every sense
there is a temptation
to choke or flee
amid terrible things
against terrible odds
in such instance can
a man really be ready
in that fog
be ready
 just be able to grab the moment by the throat
 and swallow fear
and thrust through
smother all chance of hope
die to both fear and life itself
and simply do the job at hand
because if there is any hope
he must sacrifice it now
on the bloody altar
die now
and simply do the job at hand
become just another ghost charging
upon the battle's field
what seemed so long ago
has come back like an old familar
are you ready?
are you ready?
hell no
but let's dance

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