Friday, October 29, 2010

places: the kitchen sink

I made myself get up.  I didn’t wanted to move, but had to make myself go downstairs again.  I had to find my billfold.  My hand was still bleeding. 

I was afraid to look into the mirror and see what I would find.  I looked into the window, into the night outside.  All I saw was a reflection of an unrecognizable face.  Seeing myself in such a disfigured state was surreal.

I stood in front of the kitchen sink and ran cold water over my injured hand.  My little finger was useless, dangling by some skin.  I cleaned the wound and rummaged through kitchen drawers looking for a pair of scissors.

Unfortunately all I could find was a meat cleaver.  At least it was quick.  Afterward, I wrapped my hand in a kitchen towel.  The bleeding slowed a little, but I couldn't stop it.  All I know to do is wrap it and keep pressure on it.
I let the tap run and filled the deep sink basin.  I dove my head under.  The water turned pink.  When I came up, my face still looked quite monstrous from the window over the kitchen sink.

I left the thompson gun on the kitchen table. It was too heavy for me to hold.

I went back upstairs and finished plundering Clayton’s office.  I went through his bedroom too.  I felt pretty confident that no one was coming back real soon.  I felt that I had earned the time to look about.  I took the parcels that I had found.  I also found some aspirin in a medicine cabinet.  I took them too.  I went around back and found the Clayton’s notebook.

I remembered that my coat, billfold and keys were still downstairs.  I got up the nerve to go back down there.

It looked like a horror house down in the basement.  I did not let the flashlight roam more than I had too.  I found my coat.  I found my billfold, but couldn’t find the inn keys. I found the Russian’s luger - but I left it there.  I picked up Clayton’s .45 and made my way back upstairs. I then rummaged through Sam’s pockets and decided to keep his billfold.

After coming out of the basement, I left.  I was glad I was never going back there. I know I’ll be revisited by this place in my dreams though.

I was so miserable, I needed to go back.  The night was dissipating and I could do no more.  I wanted to pull over and sleep, but I didn’t feel safe.  I tried my best to keep the car on the road - head back to Camille. 

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