Wednesday, January 13, 2010

hump day update

I've got to get a handle on my blood sugar.  I just haven't had the energy to finish a day this week. I went to bed after fixing diner last night.  I guess I slept 10 hours.  I still feel like I could have stayed in bed.

I know, I got off track during the holidays.  It's just not worth it.

I didn't see my girls much yesterday.  I helped Kelsey with her homework.  Daddy just wasn't much of a dad yesterday.  Gina put the girls to bed about two hours after I crashed.

I will say that my back is doing better.  The decompression therapy worked wonders.  I know that I'll be opting for it every time I go back.  Gina is urging me to walk more - to strengthen my back.  He advice is sound - but will I?  I haven't been riding my bike since the cold-cold weather.

Gina is feeling much better.  She had a terrible week last week.  Our patient load has been low - and there is only one up side.  I urged Gina to stay home Thursday and Friday.  Unlike me, she doesn't like stopping for nothing.  I am glad she stayed home.  She had a very restful weekend.  We seem to be playing tag with each others wellness.

My license didn't come through on Monday.  Gina remembered yesterday that the check that she sent wasn't to the Alabama State Board of Therapeutic Massage after all.  Okay.  I'm sure I'll be good to go by next month.  Maybe by then we'll be able to afford the massage table.

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