Tuesday, November 4, 2008


"The body of the American people is substantially republican. But their virtuous feelings have been played upon by some fact with more fiction, they have been the dupes of artful manoeuvres, & made for a moment to be willing instruments in forging chains for themselves." -Thomas Jefferson

I was watching a missed show on my DVR tonight. When the show - I figured I'd switch over to see how the election was going. Here we are, Democrats in both houses and a marxist/socialist heading to the White House. I remember when Clinton went in the first time. Liberals with all that power kind of went crazy those first few years. We the people got kind of scared and Bill lost both Congress and House of Reps because of all the change he and the rest of Washington started inflicting on her citizens. There was that next election that the people decided to give the GOP both the House & Congress while Bill was at the helm.

Obama has promised change. As a business owner who already pays quite a painful bit in taxes - I guess I can look forward to even more bleeding. Gina and I will just have to see if our business can take the hits from Uncle Sam. Having Obama as President will mean liberal Supreme Court justices don the robes for life. Everyone can go ahead and get used to the idea of Chief Justice Hillary Clinton. Hillary I am sure will finally get her socialized medicine enacted. The maverick John McCain I am sure will see his amnesty for illegals passed. Perhaps we the people will be punished even more with black reparations. President Barack Hussein Obama will also turn the tide of the war on terror - by pulling the troops out and letting down our guard oversees - as well as on the home-front. I believe in a short amount of time - our nation will be open for another 911 - perhaps worse. Maybe George Washington's prophecy is on our next horizon. I can paint a pretty bleak picture - can't I?

Not all change is good after all

The past two elections have been pretty tight races and each time I was wondering if America was no longer "center right" but moving "center left". This election might have well proved that suspicion true. We'll just have to wait and see if she comes to her senses after those elite Democrats have free reign for a while. We'll just have to wait and see if a hard lesson can be learned from the up coming ordeal. We have a new generation head to the polls tonight - a whole new generation with no idea of what socialism can do to a nation. Let's see how long it can take them to wise up - wake up - grow up. What damage to our country will be done in the mean while. As Bette Davis once said, "Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night."
We are center left - and for how long?

I watched the outcome kind of disconnected tonight. I was hoping that the Republicans would pull through but not surprised by the Democrat victory. It's not the first time I've been disappointed by that Grand Old Party.

I am not fearful - but I do see harder times ahead. It's already hard paying the taxes we have to pay and still keep the doors open. We'll endeavor to succeed in spite of the move toward a change to yet a more demanding government. I drive to school tomorrow - continue with my dreams nevertheless. Gina will go back to the office tomorrow - continue with the immediate job at hand nevertheless. Our plans - our dreams will be more difficult to achieve - but we will push forward as will countless other citizens out there.

The definition of the American dream has changed - no longer about individuals life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Rather the American dream is to "spread wealth" - or as Rush Limbaugh calls it, "spread misery for all". The American dream has somehow become a very unpleasant dream - more and more.

It would be nice if we could have a country without all the promise of change. Change is all we have had these past forty some odd years. We've moved so far away from what we were once as a nation. We have changed and we pale in comparison to the nation of our fathers. Change has brought us here and oh how we could do without all those change promising politicians.

Enough politics - I am ready to go to bed and wake into a new day of hope. Hope? Yes, not the brittle hope of the politicians and fake messiahs - rather a real hope that I had long before this election. A hope that I do not put in man - but into my Heavenly Father. Into Jesus Christ - the true Messiah. There is our hope fellow citizens of glory. The more I move on in life - the more I grow weary of man's way - and man's answer. I hunger more and more for God's kingdom now and to come. I desire God's eternal rule. So as we pursue Him in the midst of a mixed up and sick world - be blessed tomorrow and seek His Kingdom. He is after all THE ONLY HOPE WE CAN BELIEVE IN!

God bless all my family and friends.



David, thanks for the post. Jose' also felt a deep heaviness and sadness for our country. My sister's children are scared. You remind me of the hope that is ours in Christ alone. I also loved the link to George Washington's vision. Thanks! kdr

David Finlayson said...

You are most welcome Denise. The Republican party on the most part left conservative ideals / core beliefs behind. If Republicans are going to tilt future elections to the right - they have to return to their roots. They need to quit trying to be moderate and bipartisan and fight for conservative ideology. They need to get real good at educating and communitcating the conservative ideology as well. The reason McCain lost is because of his moderate stance - that's why he was hailed as a Maverick. The primary reason I voted McCain yesterday was because he had chose a bonafide conservative as a VP selection. Conservatism wins - that moderate stuff doesn't.


Yeah. But it's odd how some people want to paint you as prejudiced because you're not absolutely thrilled with Obama. I'd be dancing in the streets if it was Keyes. kdr

Rick Trussell said...

Heavy ... yes, Disappointed ... severely. But I too hope in the true Messiah! Also, this is a great opportunity for the Church to dive deeper and swim broader, and for the Rep Party to be re-structured upon its previous foundation. His Kingdom Come!

Anonymous said...

cousin i feel your pain My heart is sadden by the election i live in a commonwealth . and now with change the country will be the united commonwealth of america
At a youth football game my sons play in talking with some of the dads we came up with a new term
it is social-elitist (elitism)
we refer this to the towns THAT are
to smart to play the national anthem before a game.keep your chin up and god in your heart and remember that hard work always pays off someway it keeps me going in the commonwealth of massachusetts

David Finlayson said...

Cousin - you are indeed surrounded! You can tell a dyed in the wool liberal - they indeed have an elite air about them and are intolerant to any ideas other than their own. There is no debate or conversation with them - if you disagree with them - they have a name for you. Let's hunker down and learn to lean a little more on the one true Messiah.