Monday, September 10, 2007

james earl thompson

jim thompson was a dear friend
years will never change that
i will always miss this good man
his death left a hole in my life
i miss his servant heart
his presence
his laughter
i tell my friends i love them often
one never knows when we'll lose a compadre'
i didn't see jim's death coming
i didn't get to say goodbye
so know
next time i tell you i love you
know that i really do
and i value you
each moment we have in the here in now
these bonds
these familiar faces
my brothers in arms
sisters too
i am so blessed to have you around
so blessed to know you


Greene Street Letters said...

You gave me a copy of that photo years ago and I came across it the other day. I sat staring at it thinking how it captured Jim for that one brief moment in time.
I remember his really bad jokes. His funny walk and the way he threw himself into everything he layed his hands too.
I remember that he came by Skylight the night he died. He was upset about a doctor's report concerning his diabetes. I did not pick up on the severity of the emotion he was feeling. I have thought about this for years, wondering could I have done something different.
I miss Jim.
Everytime I go in Vineyard, I see him, I hear him.
I especially remember the trip Permanent Wave took to Bowling Green when we all stayed with you and Gina. That was a memorable weekend which included a ton of Jim Stories.
By the way David....
I love you....


David Finlayson said...

Jim sent me an email the day that he died. I didn't get the email until two months later, after I moved back from Bowling Green. In the email he asked me to pray for him and that he needed to talk to me. He'd been there for me so many times and I wish I were there for him.