Tuesday, September 11, 2007

that day


Greene Street Letters said...

It's not a war of culture...
It's a war of ideology.

David Finlayson said...

it's a pretty real war
being hated
for being just who we are

Darryl said...

Keep the faith . . . while life is full of despair on this side of eternity, we know how the story eventually ends.

That being said, it's the defining event of my generation -- and I find it unbelievable how quickly so many people have forgotten of it's significance.

It is a war of ideology . . .

and survival.

I thank God for the brave men and women who daily defend our freedom.

David Finlayson said...

Nice to hear from you Darryl!

I've heard a lot of folks on T.V. talking about Americans being weary of the war.

I think only those fighting on the front know what war weary is really about. What non-combatant can comprehend what war weary really is?

I am though weary of spin, weary of lies, weary of politicians and news media telling me that the war is futile, that we should just bring the troops home...as if all would be right...that peace will follow if we quit. As if 9/11 never happened and wouldn't happen again. I am spin weary.

Darryl said...

I am weary of the tv commentators, constant political wrangling, spin, and rhetoric -- which is why I have just about ceased watching television news (except breaking), and get my news almost exclusively from the WWW.

Because of our prosperity, and largely due to the amazing competence of our armed forces, we (as a nation) haven't had to become war weary as was the case in the World Wars and Vietnam.

Then again, I've been wrong before . . .