Monday, July 23, 2007

the drive-in mafia strikes again

Gina told me tonight that she would like to do the drive-in thing this Friday night to celebrate her upcoming birthday. There's no way I can tell what's showing on a Friday night except to wait until Friday afternoon. We've had a good bit of rain lately, so we've got some variables. Considering we've got dry weather that day...considering we've got good movies showing...we'll do this thing.

Gina said to invite any and all who wanted to come, so this is open to all. You need to let'm know how the drive-in mafia does it. We take folding chairs, coolers of drinks, a jam box and sit on the front row. We also like to get there when it opens so we can fellowship while the kids play on the green as the sun goes down. I'll bring a large tarp for the kids, but do bring blankets for the kids to lay on. Sometimes it turns a little cool at night. Bug repellent is good to bring but I usually have that covered.

Usually it's ten bucks a car load, so it helps if people meet at a parking lot and stuff one care with human bodies. If you think you will be leaving after the first show, come separately. Harry Potter has been playing at most of the drive-in theatres and they bumped the price up per individual. Maybe they'll lower it after it's been showing for two weeks, or maybe they'll be showing something different that will be 10.00 a car load. We'll see. I will send out a mass mail as soon as I find something out.
I am pretty sure we'll be going to the Sand Mountain Twin but who knows, we might end up in Piedmont. I go to the website to check on what's showing where.

We can't do this on a Saturday night this time because Gina doesn't want to have to drag out two children out of bed for church Sunday morning. So let me recap. If it's not raining...if there's something good showing...we are going to party like it's 1969.


A.J. said...

Woohoo! I will pray for no rain! And PG-13! lol.

LBC said...

I think the Sand Mountain Twin is getting the Simpsons movie.