I ran across this old Gadsden Times article about dad. I guess the Area Development Group was the predecessor of the Gadsden/Etowah Industrial Development Authority. I can't tell the year - but it's sure to be sometime in the mid to late 1950's. There's a Sears advertisement (Broad Street location) on the back of the article - with a five digit phone number. Do you remember when you could call anyone in town via five digits? That all changed in the mid seventies.Finlayson To Handle Publicity For Area Development GroupH. Westbrook Finlayson, who is associated with Attorney James D. Lancaster, has accepted chairmanship of the publicity committee of the Gadsden Area Development Committee, it was announced today by Carnage Walls, committee chairman.
Finlayson formerly served as secretary-treasurer of the committee.
The committee's work is in behalf of a greater Gadsden area and improved labor - management relations.
A native of Cheraw, S.C., Finlayson received his education at the University of South Carolina and Mercer University, GA., where he completed his law studies.
He came to Gadsden in October 1950, and on August 5, 1951, married Miss Esther Davidson of this city.
Since coming to Gadsden, he has become a popular resident and interested in civic betterment.
Finlayson's committee will include the following local residents: E.L. Darden, Sam Benton, R.Y. Hardway, Mark Warren, Edwin Estes, Burns Cox, Curtis DeLamar, Leon Lloyd and Preston B. Powell.
-Gadsden Times