Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Jesus is in the details

Years ago my mother gave me a glimpse of Jesus.  I guess she reads her Bible different than I do.  She seems to pick up little things that I might have the tendency to read over.  Mother once pointed him out to me in a few lines in John 21.  I guess when I had previously read that chapter time and time again, I had focused on what was going on out at the boat and not on shore.   Remember when the disciples weren't catching anything and Jesus hollered out and told them to throw the net over the other side?  The miracle out on the water had distracted me.  I witnessed the power of Jesus in chapter 21, but missed seeing him in a way I'd never seen him before.

When they landed, they saw a fire burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.  Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish you have just caught."

Jesus, the Son of God, the King of Kings was cooking breakfast for his disciples.


VeraLee said...

I must admit, I am way better at cooking breakfast than at showing God's power and compassion through miracles. But I'm glad Jesus is in both.

David Finlayson said...

If we didn't have love, what good are miracles? Compassion and servitude, it's how we build the kingdom.