Thursday, May 31, 2012

the man in romance

Yes, I like the movie Somewhere in Time.  Guys like romance too, take my wife (please).  Just because manly-men aren't into the girly-girl romance stories - manly-men are all about romance.  Heck, even John Wayne himself was all over Maureen O'Hara in The Quiet Man.  The Duke said that The Quiet Man was among his personal favorite.  Most of Humphrey Bogarts greatest rolls had puckering in them.  Casablanca, need I say more?  This story isn't just about WWII and resisting fascism, it was about love and sacrifice.  No one was resisting kiss'n in Bogart's movies.  Also watch To Have and To Have Not with Bogart and Bacall.

Gone With The Wind is a great romance that manly-man Clark Gable as the dapper and dashing Rhett Butler.  Gable, by the way, had the most romantic lines in the film classic.

"Here's a soldier of the South who loves you, Scarlett. Wants to feel your arms around him, wants to carry the memory of your kisses into battle with him. Never mind about loving me, you're a woman sending a soldier to his death with a beautiful memory. Scarlett! Kiss me! Kiss me... once..."
-Rhett Butler

But that's not my favorite romantic movie of his.  I watched Clark Gable and Claudette Cobert in the romantic-comedy It Happened One Night.  I never tire seeing it.

Want to see some good romance movies?  Tender Mercies with Robert Duvall, Murphey's Romance with James Garner, Sleepless in Seattle and You've Got Mail with Tom Hanks, Shop Around The Corner and It's A Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart.  Robin and Marian with Sean Connery.  Shadowlands with Anthony Hopkins. A lot of my movie favorites have a whole lot of lovin' goin' on.

I am not interested in what many consider romance to be.  I think the covers of most romance novels silly...those long haired - muscular pretty boys grasping their buxom beauties in their arms - ready to ravish them on the next page.  I'm really drawn toward the guy and gal, shoulder to shoulder, committed to each other, relying upon one another to get through each day, each struggle together.  I think of Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn pulling at the rope of The African Queen.

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