Friday, December 3, 2010

places: unexpected guest

I decided to visit the other places I’d been to.  I’d never been inside them, but decided to mark them off the book. All of them were like the first, furnished but nothing personal or homelike. It was as if the same people had lived there. All of the places looked as if the inhabitants had just picked up and left at a drop of a hat. They were all the same except for the third place.

Someone showed up.

Fortunately I had the drop on him. I don’t know why he was alone. He had walked in the front door without knocking or ringing the front bell.

I had seen him coming up the front sidewalk and so I waited behind the door. Just like in the pictures.

He felt my gun at the back of his head once he walked into the foyer.  I shut the door behind him. I could feel him cringe through the barrel of my .45.

He tried to turn to face me. I pressed the gun firmer against his scalp to let him know I didn't like that.

“Don’t turn around. You can talk where you’re facing.”

“You’re making a big mistake mister. I’m with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If you shoot me you'll end up frying in the chair.” 

I pushed him against the wall and told him to not move.  I frisked him and relieved him of his hardware in his shoulder holster. 

“Seriously, you’re digging your own grave!”

“My grave is already dug. Slowly hand me your badge.  Let’s see if you are who you say you are.”

With one hand the agent reached into his coat pocket and retrieved his wallet. He handed it back to me without trying to look back.

“Well Agent Forte’, it looks like this is the real thing." 

Angelo tried to put his hands down and turn around.

I pulled the gun from the back of his head and placed the barrel firmly on his right cheekbone. He got the message.

“We can talk just fine like this.”

“What's the matter with you buddy, you’re killing me is just asking for trouble.”

“Just keep facing forward, I just want to have a chat.  You won't get shot unless you give me a good reason to."

“You’re not going to be able to leave, I brought company.”

“I watched you come in, you came alone. You’re not kidding anyone. Since fate has brought us together, let's talk.”

“Talk?  About what?”

“I ask questions and you move your lips in the form of answers. Kapeesh?”

“Eventually you’ll be talking to me, whoever you are.”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. You’re here because of Larkin, because of the case he was working on.”

Angelo’s face went red. I could sense his grimace.  I didn’t have to be looking at him face to face to see that I had his attention.

“Where’s Larkin? What have you done with him?  We can work a deal if you can inform me as to his whereabouts.”

“I’m not looking for a plea. I can tell you about Larkin...he’s dead. I didn’t have anything to do with it. His cover was somehow blown and he was shot. I tried to get him out of there, but he was already dying.”

“I don’t understand.  You’re not with the Soviets?  Give me proof and I’ll work with you.”

“I can’t.”

“I can help you.”

“I doubt it.”

“Just back off of me and let’s talk.”

“I can’t afford to. You know as well as me that you’re only option is to bring me in. I’m going to do my best to keep things in my favor and remain anonymous.”

“If you are not with the Russians, who are you and what are you up to?  Why are you here?”

“I got sucked into a scenario that I can’t escape.”

“I can help. Let me go. Let me know where his body is. Identify yourself, tell me what you know. I will do everything I can to help you. We can protect you.”

“You can’t see my face right now, so I’ll just tell you that I’m giving you an incredulous look. I’m not making any deal with you because you and I both know that I’m already in the frying pan. I’m not giving myself up. I’m not jumping into the fire.”

"Will you show some decency and tell me where he's buried?"

"To tell you is to give you evidence that I might have been the one to kill him. I'm going to tell you anyway because I had nothing against him. Rod's body is in the woods, on a logging road off of Larker Road. His body isn't buried and it isn't hidden.  I guess I'll never know his real name."

"Probably not...but thanks for telling me where to find him."

"Was he married...any kids?"

"Yes. Married..with a kid..a two year old." 

There was a brief silence.

“I’m going to walk out of here.”

“We’ll eventually catch up to you. You’re eventually going to have to meet me face to face!”


I pulled my gun from the back of his head.

“Maybe.” I said as I cold-cocked him.

I left his gun and badge by the back door. I moved fast, knowing that I didn’t hit him hard enough to kill him. He’s lucky. If he were with the Russians, I would have killed him.

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