Friday, August 20, 2010

buttercream frosting

Last week I kept thinking about Mickey Cakes snack cakes.  I posted about them at Boomerville, USA last week.  Wednesday night I decided that I was going to make myself a big devil's food cake.  While in the store I noticed two containers of butter-cream icing.  Hmmm - that would be good with devil's food.  I bought two.

Gina had been nailed with work at the office this week so I got around to baking it as my birthday cake. I haven't baked a cake in many a year.  My poor eyesight, I couldn't make out all the tiny instructions.  I didn't have the right reading glasses handy.  I saw what to set the oven on and there were pictures of the extra ingredients needed.  I didn't see where it only took just one box to make two 9" cake tiers.  Oops!

I called my mother for some quick advice, telling her I couldn't read all the directions.  She asked how long it had been since I put the cake into the oven.  I told her that I bought 2 boxes of cake mix, one for each pan.  Oops!

I ran straight to the oven to discover that I had an 'I Love Lucy' episode baking in the oven.  Oops!  It's a good thing that I already had a baking sheet sitting on the bottom shelf.  It caught a lot of excess cake goop.  I greased a third 9" cake pan and commenced to unload some of the pregnant cakes that had already risen to biblical proportions.

It's an ugly cake.  I tried to stack two of the tiers to make for a normal cake, but they came out very rounded.  I let them cool and then tried to add icing to the two I stacked atop each other.  I am lousy when it comes to applying frosting.  I gobbed on two containers of butter-cream.

I prepped dinner and we decided to go ahead and cut into my ugly devil cake early.  Mmmmm.  We cut into it again last night and it was better than it had been the night before.  I don't recall ever making a pretty cake.  I must say though, I've never baked a bad cake.

The cake is half way gone.  Fear not, the third 9" pan is iced with vanilla icing and ready to be eaten once the butter cream is history.  Which reminds me,  I need to pick up a gallon of milk before I head home.

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