Monday, July 7, 2008

puff puff

That's me on the tricycle. I can't make out if that's Jennie or Irene tending to me. Irene is just a few years older than I am, and this sister looks a good bit older than what Irene should've been. It sure looks a lot like her. There are baby pictures around that show Irene and Jennie looking a lot like each other when they were babies.

I think that's Brooky in the background playing in the flat area of our backyard. There's a swing-set on the flat as well. I don't ever recall one being there. I do remember it being on the other side of the house growing up - beneath a large mimosa tree. Even though they made a mess of the yard, mimosas were great trees to have around with kids. They were very easy to climb and little Finlayson's often did.

You can double click on the photo to get a larger image.

Dad is in the background reclining a the chaise longue smoking a pipe. I never saw Dad smoke. I heard tell that his sister Florrence Foster Finlayson once talked him out of smoking his cigars and pipes. The only evidence I saw of his puffing years was a pipe-rack and pipes that were stored in the front coat closet. The pipes disappeared somewhere down through the years. I wish I had them - like I wish I had that big old tackle box of his. He used to have it filled with big brightly colored wooden lures.

I'll smoke a cigar or a pipe every now and again - maybe three of four times a year. I don't care for the long lasting after-taste, that's why I don't do it as often. I do though love the smell of cherry tobacco. Even during the period of 1990 - 99, when I didn't puff at all, I would stop my grocery shopping long enough to smell the pipe tobacco. Once in Washington, DC, I followed a man to the street corner just to ask him what what delightful blend he had stuffed in that pipe of his. Another reason I don't smoke my pipe as much is because my beloved Gina can't stand the smoke.

So if Magritte says this is not a pipe....what is it?


Anonymous said...'s a picture of a pipe, dan

David Finlayson said...

move to the head of the class.

David Finlayson said...

Mother read the post and said she tried to make a comment. I will relay her story.

She said that Dad took Brooky driving one Sunday afternoon while mother was cooking. Brook asked Dad why he smoked and with that - Dad quit smoking for good.

Mother also said she remembered Aunt Rutha (Dad's sister)smoking in the 1950's a lot. All her siblings gave her a hard time about it and she eventually quit.

Anonymous said...

This has to be Jennie.
Irene is just two years older than you.Florrie

David Finlayson said...

Yes, mother looked at the photo and said it was Jennie. Didn't they look a lot alike. There was a time when you and Irene favored.

Anonymous said...

Well, we don't anymore. If we'd know that I was the one useing the walker! Ha! Ha! Florrie

David Finlayson said...

Sooner or later - we'll all need one. I've got a snap shot that I ran across that I'll post soon. Got to find it first.

Anonymous said...

We're still waiting...
It's probably the one of me picking up an Easter Egg.
They don't have many of me...
I think they just got tired of taking pictures by the time I got there. But, surprise me! There's no telling what you'll find. Florrie