Thursday, June 14, 2007

changing the language

Washington (both Republican and Democrat) have been doing their best to shove amnesty for illegal aliens down our throats. They tried to sneak a bill through last week that was defeated after a grassroots uprising. It's apparent Washington will persist to force this through in spite of our wishes.

June 4th, Harry Reid attempted to change the language. Liberals by the way don't like using the term illegal alien. They've always had the habit of tinkering with the language in order to win a debate. Here's the most recent term first mentioned on the floor of the Senate by Harry Reid.
"This week, we're going to complete that legislation. We will hopefully bring to final passage a comprehensive bill that will strengthen our border security and bring 12 million undocumented Americans out of the shadows."


The running term has been unregistered immigrants. Simply put, immigrants are those people who are legally going through the process of BECOMING Americans. Illegal Aliens are those who are BREAKING THE LAW by stealing entry into the United States. They do not belong here and should have no claim to owning legitimate citizenship.

These law breakers are not Americans. These law breakers are not immigrants by any definition of the word. Calling someone an unregistered immigrant is the same as calling a drug dealer an unlicensed pharmacist! Changing the language simply doesn't make it right. Willfully breaking the law should not be rewarded.

Another typical liberal ploy is to call your opponent a racist. That's another term you'll hear as time marches on. So if perchance you are going to disagree with this amnesty bill, prepare're going to be viewed as a racist.

I also don't care for the misuse of the term guest worker. Last time I checked the dictionary, a guest is someone you've invited. I think the term intruder should be applied in most of these cases. If you are going to visit us here in the U.S, you could at least sign the guest book.

I really wish our representatives would get to business and protect our nation's borders and our children's future.


A.J. said...

I totally agree with you David! I think this situation is the biggest mess... I think one of the major problems here is greed...because the truth is... a lot of our illegal aliens work in business owned by people that pay them a little of nothing. They really dont want to address the problem because then they would have to hire ACTUAL citizens and pay them wages that are fair.
Unliscensed pharmacist? I almost fell out of my chair at that one... so true!

David Finlayson said...

I think the solution is easier than politicians and major media are letting on. Yes, we do need a huge freaking fence as well as enforce existing laws...BUT what we really need to do is cut off ALL the freebies that entice and reward these millions of intruders. I believe America will have a mass exodus of free-loading-law-breakers once Uncle Sam turns the tap off. Our government has played the major role in the problem and we are expecting them to fix what they broke?

UNDOCUMENTED AMERICANS? With such lunatic language, you know they have no intention of fixing anything.

I thought the cartoon I found for this post represents the problem well. I only wish that I had drawn it.